Edfu Temple

  • DSC01393  Columns and wall at Edfu Temple.  Notice the remaining color near the top, as well as the grooves in the column.
  • DSC01394  The large pylons of Edfu.  The temple was dedicated to Horus and Hathor of Denderah.  Each year, Hathor would travel south to visit Horus celebrating their sacred marriage.
  • DSC01396  A relief showing the meeting of Hathor and Horus on the Nile.
  • DSC01398  Both ships would be sailed to Edfu and placed in the inner chamber during the festival.
  • DSC01400  The backside of the pylon.  The holes in the wall were used to secure large flagpoles (in front).
  • DSC01401  A view from the forecourt to the hypostyle hall.
  • DSC01404  Looking from the forecourt into the hypostyle hall all the way to the inner chamber.
  • DSC01406  Moving further into the hypostyle hall, looking into the inner chamber.
  • DSC01407  Horus standing on the back of Set - represented as a hippopotamus - and spearing him in the presence of Isis.
  • DSC01411  The Barque (boat) of Horus.  Each year, the Barque of Hathor would join the Barque of Horus celebrating their sacred wedding.
  • DSC01414  A hallway leading to the second floor of the temple, no longer accessible.
  • DSC01416  Sunbeams and columns in the Edfu Temple.
  • DSC01417  Looking across the forecourt.  The forecourt is surrounded by 32 columns.
  • DSC01418  Looking back into the temple across the forecourt.  An altar once stood in the center of the forecourt where offerings were made to the gods.
  • DSC01420  The large scenes on the left and right depict the Pharaoh smiting his enemies in the presence of the God Horus.
  • DSC01421  While we were leaving, we noticed that a couple of goats had snuck into the complex.
  • DSC01422  They made a quick exit when they saw us.
  • DSC01424  Looking back to the temple.  The Pylons, at 37 meters high, make an impression.
  • DSC01425  The area surrounding the Edfu Temple. (Panorama)